Directory: butsudan

Eight-Ten: Nijiri-guchi

Eight-Ten: Nijiri-guchi

  Chanoyu is presented in Tea rooms, Cha-shitsu, 茶室, Tea-room, that vary greatly in size. There are standards that are based on the number and size of tatami, and with many variations. There are essentially two types of Tea rooms – hiro-ma and koma. A hiro–ma, 広間, wide-room, ranges from a yo-jō-han, 四畳半, four-tatami-half, to almost any greater number of tatami. A ko–ma, 小間, small-room, can be a yojōhan or any room with fewer tatami. A small hut for Tea is called a sō–an, 草庵, grass-hut, because they originally had thatched roofs.   A small Tea hut usually has a small entrance that causes one to crouch down...

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