Directory: mayuburo

Furo and Kama Changes

Furo and Kama Changes

  Ki-men bu-ro, 鬼面風炉, demon-face wind-hearth, Kara-kane, with metal rings held by ‘dragon’ head kan-tsuki, 鐶付, metal ring-attachment, 唐銅, Tang-copper, bronze, with shin-nari kama, 真形釜, true-form kettle, tetsu, 鉄, iron, with ki-men kan-tsuki, 鬼面鐶付, demon-face metal ring-attach, by Kana-mori Jō-ei, 金森浄栄, Gold-woods Pure-splendor, Taka-oka-shi, 高岡市, High-hill-city, To-yama-ken, 富山県, Wealth-mountain-prefecture. Supported on a shin-nuri, 真塗, true-lacquer, shiki-ita, 敷板, spread-board.   Mayu bu-ro, 眉風炉, eyebrow wind-hearth, with oblong hi-mado, 火窓, fire-window, black lacquered ceramic, shin kuro, 真黒, true-black, (this furo is also classified as a do-bu-ro, 土風炉, earth-wind-hearth) by Yama-moto Sō-un, 山本崇雲, Mountain-origin Revere-cloud. Choice of Sen Rikyū. Supported on a shin-nuri, 真塗, true-lacquer, shiki-ita, 敷板, spread-board; the doburo is...

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