Anatomy of the Japanese Tea Ceremony - 10 Course Series

April and Uzuki

April in Japan: Following Elephants

April: Bells and Kuzu

Aspects of Nakaoki

August Seasonal Aspects

August Tea Presentation

Cha 茶月 Tsuki

Chakin and Lotus

Chanoyu and August in Japan

Chanoyu and September in Japan

Chanoyu and the Mirror

Chanoyu and the Orange

Chanoyu and Zen Landscapes

Chanoyu and Zen Landscapes Part 2

Chanoyu in Mid September

Chanoyu: Spirits of Winter and Spring

Charcoal: Sumi for Furo and Ro


Chasen and Kuromoji

Chasen and Sensu

Chasen and Tea

Chasen and the Gorinto

Chasen Suehiro

Chasen Whisk and Thread

Chasen, Chabana, and Buddhism

Chashaku and Sensu

December Observances

Dragon in Chanoyu

Dragon in Chanoyu Part 2

Eight-Ten: Fukusa

Eight-Ten: Gotoku Lid Rest

Eight-Ten: Nijiri-guchi

February in the Tearoom

Furo and Kama Changes

Furo and the Maekawarake

Furo Ashes, Kobukusa, and Buddhist Kesa

Furo Kōgō

Furo Ro: Three Forms

Furo to Ro

Furo: Four Sacred Mountains

Furo: Style and Form

Furo: Tea and Rice


Garandō in September


Gotoku: Trivet in Tea and Beyond

Gyakugatte Dairo

Hakobi Tenmae: Carry Water

Hakobi Tenmae: Carrying Fire


Higashi - Sweets for Thin Tea

Hina Matsuri

Hishi Mochi and Hina Matsuri

Hōunsai Konomi: Celebrating 101 Years

Inoshishi Robiraki

Jizō and the Gotoku

Jizō Bon

Kagami Biraki - Making and Breaking Mochi

Kagami Mochi

Kaishi and Kuromoji

Kaishi: Heart of Paper

Kakejiku: Three Forms

Kamashiki and Kamasue

Kami Kama-shiki and the Buddhist Hattan

Karamono Bunrin Chaire


Kobukusa and Mandala Part 1

Kobukusa and Mandala Part 2

Kobukusa Origins

Kuro: The Color Black in Chanoyu Part 1

Kuro: The Color Black in Chanoyu Part 2

Lunar Hina Matsuri and the Rhombus

Lunar New Year and Kagami Mochi

May: Still Following Elephants

Mizuya Dogu

Mizuya Dogu Part 2

Mochi Pounding for the New Year

Nakaoki Collection

Nakaoki Ōita

Nakaoki: Kama and Incense

New Year Collection

Obon at Night

October and Nakaoki

Opening the Furo: Shoburo

Opening the Furo: Tsumami

Opening the Ro

Rikyū Chū-natsume

Rikyū Konomi: Favored Tea Utensils

Rikyū's Memorial

Ro and Hai: Hearth and Ashes

Ro and Its Foundations: An Introduction

Ro and Its Foundations: Robuchi Within and Beyond

Ro and the Goma

Ro Tenmae: Host and Guest

Ro: November Opening

Ro: The Sunken Hearth Collection


Robiraki: Boar and Rat


Sanbō Offering Stand

Satsu bako

Sekimori Ishi and Ganesha


Sensu: Nine and Five

Setsubun and Otafuku

Setsubun and Otafuku Collection

Setsubun and Risshun

Setsubun Extra

Shakutate: Ladle Stand in Chanoyu

Sukigi Gama

Tabako Bon

Tabako Bon and the Five Elements

Tanabata and Taoism

Tango no Sekku

Tea and Moon Viewing

Tea for New Year of the Snake

Tea in April

Tea in August

Tea in December

Tea in February

Tea in January and the Willow

Tea in July

Tea in June

Tea in March

Tea in March Part 2

Tea in May

Tea in Mid-December

Tea in November

Tea in October

Tea in September

Tea Mirroring Flowers

Tea Sweets and Offerings

Tenmae and Temae

The Shijinjū

Time for Ume: Tea in July

Tokonoma and Imae

Tying the Sanada Himo Musubi

Uma no Tsuki: Horse Month

Unryū Gama - A Petal Puzzle

Unryū Gama Article